Minnie Mortimer’s Uptown Girls (And A Few Downtown Ones, Too)
September 10, 2010 10:35 am
Minnie Mortimer has something of a charmed life, so perhaps it should come as no surprise that she turns out a charming little collection. She showed it at 1Oak this week, where it a short film by her husband, Oscar-winning director Stephen Gaghan also screened. It showed his wife biking around the Hamptons in her most recognizable piece, the striped Zoe dress. Unlike some of the week’s other presentations, it suggested an honest and apt sense of where her clothes will best be appreciated. But in the service of offering something for everyone, Mortimer split her models into two groups: the first, Madison Avenue types, the second, cool, downtown girls. (Call it the Southampton vs. Montauk divide.) For the uptowners, there were striped three-quarter length tees, gingham shirt dresses, and mini shorts; for the downtown posse, silk dresses that can be worn day through night. Our favorite was a feminine polka-dotted frock that screamed summer. Look for it on the Jitney next May.
Photo: Courtesy of Minnie Mortimer.